Swatchbook Smart Look

Apparel Intelligence collaborated with Swatchbook to demonstrate a powerful synergy of new tech methods that significantly saves time and cost for apparel making and merchandising.

We create digital patterns while 3D modeling the designs in real-time cloth simulation technology. We preview accurate 3D samples and effortlessly swap fabric ideations and colorways. Swatchbook provides a platform of 3D digital fabric textures sourced from the corresponding real swatches and fabric, made simple to order.


We used a blend of visual effects software and revolutionary 3D fashion software to achieve the tangible accuracy of our photoreal quality and production-ready assets. As a result, fully-digital photoshoots with cinematic close-ups and motion are made possible.

Streamline and reuse the digital samples for photoreal digital catalogs for e-commerce, global sales marketing, and internal communications. Drive sales to franchise partners, wholesales, online stores, and retailers without a physical sample.

Eliminate Paper Pattern Making & Fabric Scanning

Expedite Design & Development